
Plant Tip - Cora Vinca

Ken Lain, mountain gardener

30 Second Plant Tip of the day on Cora Vinca: Cora Vinca is a new series of F1 hybrid Vinca (also known as periwinkles) bred by Goldsmith Seeds. The big,...

Plant Tip - Cora Vinca

Ken Lain, mountain gardener

30 Second Plant Tip of the day on Cora Vinca: Cora Vinca is a new series of F1 hybrid Vinca (also known as periwinkles) bred by Goldsmith Seeds. The big,...

Plant Tip - Golden Locust Tree

Ken Lain, mountain gardener

Here's the 30 Second Plant Tip of the Day with Ken Lain, Watters Garden Center: Golden Locust shade trees are proven as hardy street and shade trees, being fast-growing, heat...

Plant Tip - Golden Locust Tree

Ken Lain, mountain gardener

Here's the 30 Second Plant Tip of the Day with Ken Lain, Watters Garden Center: Golden Locust shade trees are proven as hardy street and shade trees, being fast-growing, heat...

One of Arizona's most famous flowering trees, the desert willow benefits from summer feeding

Plant Food + Rain = Thriving Gardens & Healthy ...

Ken Lain, mountain gardener

I fertilized our home’s landscape just as this week’s rain hit; talk about perfect timing! Monsoonal conditions offer an ideal time for a summer feeding. So, if your summer plants...

Plant Food + Rain = Thriving Gardens & Healthy ...

Ken Lain, mountain gardener

I fertilized our home’s landscape just as this week’s rain hit; talk about perfect timing! Monsoonal conditions offer an ideal time for a summer feeding. So, if your summer plants...

coreopsis garnet perennial flower

Garnet Blooms but No Weeds, No Bugs

Ken Lain, mountain gardener

Summer brings Russian sage to center stage in local gardens. Sadly, it is so happy in mountain landscapes that this stunningly dramatic plant can get out of control or become...

Garnet Blooms but No Weeds, No Bugs

Ken Lain, mountain gardener

Summer brings Russian sage to center stage in local gardens. Sadly, it is so happy in mountain landscapes that this stunningly dramatic plant can get out of control or become...

Daily Courier article on Watters Gardening Class

Ken Lain, mountain gardener

Garden class teaches high desert newcomers what to plant and when As Watters Garden Center Owner Ken Lain talked about plants that do well in mountain soil during a Saturday...

Daily Courier article on Watters Gardening Class

Ken Lain, mountain gardener

Garden class teaches high desert newcomers what to plant and when As Watters Garden Center Owner Ken Lain talked about plants that do well in mountain soil during a Saturday...

Time to Feed Our Gardens and Plant Hardy Vines

Ken Lain, mountain gardener

If you haven't fertilized your yard within the last few weeks, the start of the monsoon season is the time to feed for increased summer blooms. This is especially important...

Time to Feed Our Gardens and Plant Hardy Vines

Ken Lain, mountain gardener

If you haven't fertilized your yard within the last few weeks, the start of the monsoon season is the time to feed for increased summer blooms. This is especially important...