Douglas Fir
Latin Name: Pseudotsuga menziesii Description: Douglas fir is not a true fir at all, but, instead, a close relative of the hemlock. The fir is often calls the Christmas tree...
Douglas Fir
Latin Name: Pseudotsuga menziesii Description: Douglas fir is not a true fir at all, but, instead, a close relative of the hemlock. The fir is often calls the Christmas tree...
Scotch Pine
Latin Name: Pinus sylvestris Description: Pyramidal crown becoming rounded and open with age. A hardier choice than native pinion pine and less prone to bark beetle attack. Distinctive orange-brown bark...
Scotch Pine
Latin Name: Pinus sylvestris Description: Pyramidal crown becoming rounded and open with age. A hardier choice than native pinion pine and less prone to bark beetle attack. Distinctive orange-brown bark...
Austrian Pine
Latin Name: Pinus nigra Description: A long needled pine much like a Ponderosa, but it holds their foliage all the way to the ground. Less prone to bark beetle than...
Austrian Pine
Latin Name: Pinus nigra Description: A long needled pine much like a Ponderosa, but it holds their foliage all the way to the ground. Less prone to bark beetle than...
Mugho Pine
Latin Name: Pinus mugo 'Pumilio' Description: Dense, shrubby pine with short, dark green needles. A hardy ornamental widely used and adaptable to many situations. Love blister hot sun and wind....
Mugho Pine
Latin Name: Pinus mugo 'Pumilio' Description: Dense, shrubby pine with short, dark green needles. A hardy ornamental widely used and adaptable to many situations. Love blister hot sun and wind....
Vanderwolf's Pine
Latin Name: Pinus flexilis 'Vanderwolf's Pyramid' Description: Distinctive pyramidal shape. A very hardy tree that is attractive with its long, twisted, silvery, blue-green needles. Take a close look and the...
Vanderwolf's Pine
Latin Name: Pinus flexilis 'Vanderwolf's Pyramid' Description: Distinctive pyramidal shape. A very hardy tree that is attractive with its long, twisted, silvery, blue-green needles. Take a close look and the...
Columnar Blue Spruce
Latin Name: Picea pungens 'Fastigiata' Description: Columnar Colorado spruce with upright branching. New growth has silver blue color. Used in courtyards, container and next to bright patio locations. Size: Ht...
Columnar Blue Spruce
Latin Name: Picea pungens 'Fastigiata' Description: Columnar Colorado spruce with upright branching. New growth has silver blue color. Used in courtyards, container and next to bright patio locations. Size: Ht...