Watters Garden Center & WYGC Foundation team up to sponsor sunflower contest
The West Yavapai Guidance Clinic Foundation and Watters Garden Center offer a free sunflower contest in honor of the West Yavapai Guidance Clinic’s 50th anniversary.
Watters business owner Ken Lain partnered with the Foundation because he believes gardening and being outside are tools to keep you mentally healthy. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), moderate intensity activities for 2.5 hours each week can reduce the risk for obesity, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, heart disease, stroke, depression, colon and even premature death. The CDC considers gardening one of its moderate intensity activities and achieves that 2.5 hour goal each week.
The contest goes from now until Aug. 29. You must grow your own sunflower and anyone may enter. Awards will be given for most vivid color, best single sunflower, most beautiful sunflower bouquet, ugliest sunflower, most creative sunflower, largest single sunflower, smallest sunflower, best dried sunflower, most imaginative display and best floral design.
Laura Norman, executive director of the WYGC Foundation, believes this contest describes 50 years of providing mental health services in the community because the clinic focuses on providing “seeds of hope” with those they encounter daily.
“Seeing a seed grow over a several weeks reflects our clients’ own growth as they develop new tools to cope with mental illness or everyday life stress,” Norman stated. Grab some seeds and start growing your sunflower, today. Remember, fresh air and gardening are scientifically proven to relief stress.
For more information on how to grow sunflowers and about the contest, visit wattersgardencenter.com or wygc.org/give.