Plants that Thrive in Heat
by Ken Lain, the mountain gardener
Yes, cactus and succulents do beat the heat, and very welcome are the many new varieties of these garden work horses. But there are many heat-tolerant plants that don't look like they've been cultivated in a desert! That's the case for this list of mountain plants that thrive as well as cacti in blistering heat and low-water situations.
Planting these beauties in your garden will make your gardening tasks less demanding and as a result your summer will be much more enjoyable. These plants love the heat so much that they prefer a summer planting; so now is a good time to dress up a dull garden.
Tips for planting and establishing a heat-loving garden:
Ensure your plants perform their very best by choosing a hot location and adding plenty of Watters' Premium Mulch to the garden soil to increase the drainage essential to these heat lovers.
Water as needed while your new plants are establishing - but don't overwater. Plants that are establishing with less frequent but deeper irrigation develop stronger root systems more capable of finding water when the supply is low.
Top dress with a 2-3" layer of additional mulch to keep plant roots cool, to shade the ground from sunburn, to prevent weeds, and to retain moisture longer. Watters' Premium Mulch is a sure game changer for your summer plants.
Stop by and let us help you get started. We can help you to handpick from our favorite heat-lovers and to determine the perfect spot to plant them in your landscape. Also, the next time you are in Watters we welcome you asking for our Free Planting and Water Guides.
July 8 Gardening Class - 9:30 to 10:30 am - 'Containers that Bloom like Crazy!' After the first 15 minutes of this class, you’ll have learned what it takes to design great container gardens that thrive in the afternoon heat. Learn about proper watering, the best fertilizers, companion plants, and more. After this class everyone is going to comment on your eye-catching containers.
Entire Summer Class series here.
Until next week, I'll be helping gardeners with heat loving plants here at Watters Garden Center.
Ken Lain can be found throughout the week at Watters Garden Center, 1815 W. Iron Springs Rd in Prescott, or contacted through his web site at or .
Beat the Heat with These Ornamental Plants
Flowers | Shrubs |
Penstemon Coral bells aka Heuchera Lantana Yarrow aka Achillea Red Hot Poker aka I Dusty Miller aka Senecio ceneraria Lavender Coneflower aka Echinacea Bearded Iris Euphorbia Rosemary herbal Pincushion aka Leucospermum | Butterfly bush aka Buddleia Cotoneaster both tall and ground cover varietiesApache Plume aka FallugiaAgaveYucca Honeysuckle Autumn Sage aka Salvia Crape Myrtle aka Lagerstroemia Rose of Sharon aka Hibiscus Silver Berry aka Elaeagnus Junipers aka Juniperus Red bark Manzanita aka Arctostaphylos |
Trees | Grasses |
Redbud tree aka Cercis occidentalis Desert Willow aka Chilopsis Raywood Ash aka Fraxinus Purple Robe Locust aka Robinia Chitalpa aka Russian orchid tree Prescott Courthouse Elm aka Princeton Elm | Purple Fountain Grass aka Pennisetum Feather Grass aka Stipa Side Oats aka Chasmanthium Reed grass aka Calamagrostis Blue fescue aka Festuca Silver grass aka Miscanthus |