Nasturtiums - Edible or No??
All parts of nasturtiums are edible! The leaves can be used as a peppery substitute for watercress in salads and on sandwiches; the flowers make a gorgeous edible garnish for salads, hors d'oeuvres trays, and fruit salads; and unripe nasturtium seeds can be pickled and used as a substitute for capers.
Beauty and taste!
Nasturtiums are also fairly drought tolerant once established and deter both rabbits and deer. Perennial in USDA zones 10 and warmer; otherwise grown as an annual.
Insider TIP: Blooms heaviest in cool spring and fall weather; July heat sometimes pauses bloom production.
When to sow outside: 1 to 2 weeks after average last frost . . . .or NOW! Ideal soil temperature for germination is 55 - 65 degrees F. Soaking seed in water for 12 to 24 hours aids germination. Nasturtiums require darkness to germinate so be sure to sow them at the recommended depth of ½" of garden soil.
Bring on the Spring flowers:)