Ken Lain Head Shot

Meet Ken Lain

Ken Lain has been gardening for decades throughout the highlands of Arizona. He has grown thousands of plants in his own gardens and killed a good many along the way. He writes from experience and keeps skills honed by working with new homeowners through the family garden center, identifying plants and problems, and helping friends become confident gardeners.

Ken Lain Head Shot

Ken is the owner of Watters Garden Center, a retail nursery in Prescott, Arizona. He's a longtime master gardener, certified nursery professional, and winner of the prestigious Revolutionary 100 by Garden Center Magazines.

Ken is a long-time member of the Garden Writers Association. His writing has been featured in newspapers and magazines nationwide, with interviews for National Public Radio, numerous articles, blogs, and columns.

He co-hosts The Mountain Gardener radio shows, on KQNA1130 am 95.5 & 99.9 fm Saturday’s 8 & 11 am & again Sunday @ 8 am and on BIG Talker Radio 97.1 fm on Saturdays @ 7 am & again on Sunday @ 8 am, with his garden bride of 27 years, Lisa Watters Lain. Their local garden advice is broadcast throughout Arizona with radio stations broadcasting from Prescott to the river country, all the way to the White Mountains. The Mountain Gardner is also available as a Podcast through our website and wherever podcasts are found.

His new book, "The Complete Guide to Mountain Fruit Trees" is a year-round resource based on hands-in-the-dirt experience, a wealth of skill-building tutorials, and fruit varieties specific to mountain gardening.

Ken's first book, “Natives and the Low Maintenance Landscape Book” highlights some of his favorite easy-to-grow natives off-grid to most highland gardeners, and how to take care of these gardens without the hassle. Gardening with less weeds, less water and less care is within reach of local gardeners.

Ken Lain quote, “Gardening is universal across the ages. In an every busy, ever connected world, gardening is the ultimate luxury. Nature combines all the senses and never runs out of delights and surprises. Sure, there are disappointments, but there's always next season. Gardening combines the generations allowing moments of togetherness, rest and a time to reconnect. There's always something to look forward to and something to learn. I've never met another gardener who wasn't enthusiastic and generous with their knowledge. That's what I enjoy most - sharing my garden skills and woes with other garden zealots.”
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