Lisas Lilac Jelly

<strong>Lilac Jelly Recipe</strong>

by Lisa Watters-Lain, Arizona's Garden Gal

Lilacs have such a profusion of blooms in spring they are one of the easiest flowers to make jelly. The heady aroma fills a jelly jar like it does the landscape. Ensure your lilacs have not been sprayed with chemicals, and avoid high-traffic areas. The same recipe can be used with any edible flower. Visit Watters Edible Flowers List for more flower jelly ideas.

Lovely Lilac Jelly Recipe

Light purple flowers produce a bright yellow jelly. Dark purple flowers provide darker jellies. You don’t need to wash the flowers unless you think they might be dusty. Blooms are sterilized by boiling water and the canning process. Make sure to remove flower stems. Stems make the jelly bitter.


  • 2 cups packed lilac blossoms, removing stems and leaves
  • 2 1/2 cups boiling water
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • 4 cups sugar
  • One box Sure-jell powdered pectin
  • Makes around 4 half-pint jars or 8 – 4 ounce jars.


Infuse the blossoms in the water to make a “lilac tea.” Place the flowers in a heat-resistant container and pour the boiling water over them. Allow them to steep for 8 hours or overnight. Sterilize four 8-ounce jars and keep them hot. Heat lids and rings in hot water. Keep warm but not boiling. Fill the water bath canner and bring it to a boil.

You should have 2 1/4 cups of lilac-infused water. Strain the flowers from the water. Add water if needed. Allow the strained liquid to sit in the refrigerator overnight before pouring. This allows most particles to settle from the infusion, resulting in transparent jelly.

Place the flower infusion, lemon juice, and pectin in a large pot. Bring to a rolling boil.

Add sugar all at once, and return to boil for one minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Skim foam as needed.

Ladle jam into hot, sterilized jars leaving 1/4″ headspace. Wipe the rims clean and screw down the lids.

Process for 10 minutes in a water bath canner, adding 1 minute for every 1,000 feet above sea level.

Remove jars from the canner and allow them to rest until cool. Remove rings, wipe any drips and label for storage.

The same recipe can be used with any edible flower. Visit Watters Edible Flowers List for more flower jelly ideas.

Lisa Watters-Lain can be found Throughout the week at Watters Garden Center, 1815 Iron Springs Rd in Prescott, or contacted through her websites at or

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