Heat Tolerant Greens and Lettuce

Heat Tolerant Greens and Lettuce

Salads don't have to end with spring! A crisp, colorful salad may be the perfect dish on a hot summer's day, and some varieties of greens excel despite the heat. Sowing heat-tolerant greens keeps your fridge crisper full of healthful, delicious, and diverse greens to help quench the heat.
While lettuce is known for bolting in the heat leading to bitter salads, this doesn't have to be the case. Try any of Watters heat-tolerant seed varieties for diversity in texture, flavor, and color!
Marvel of Four Season Black Seeded Simpson Oak Leaf Blend Salad Bowl Blend Red Sails Freckles Parris Island Cos Rouge d' Hiver
Insider Tip: Lettuce needs light to germinate and will not sprout in temperatures over 80°F, so keep succession sowing by starting seeds indoors and transplanting them out during the heat of summer or sowing them in a cool, shady location.
Mustards "cut the mustard" when it comes to summer heat. Low in calories, big on flavor and nutrients like vitamins A, C, E, K, foliate, manganese, calcium... you get the idea! As excellent raw as they are cooked! Mustards' unique flavor intensifies as the temperature rises. Try Mizuna, Red Giant, Southern Giant Curled, and Tendergreen Mustard Spinach.
Spinach, not just for spring and fall anymore! Lavewa is a heat-tolerant spinach variety that keeps savory spinach on your plate all summer long. Spinach is also easy to freeze for winter meals, so go ahead, sow a little extra.
Golden Purslane is succulent and tangy with a lemon flavor (especially when harvested in the morning). Rich in omega fatty acids, antioxidants, and vitamin C, we aren't taking about your average garden-variety weed here. Golden Purslane boasts a tall, easy-to-harvest habit, and has been cultivated for many centuries. Lime green leaves make it a beautiful component to mixed containers, too.
Lavewa Spinach
Lettuce Marvel
Lettuce Paris Island
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